Saturday, March 6, 2010

So while I was walking the other day...

I went down Davenport Street, and there was a house painted butter-yellow with dark green trimming. It definitely stood out, and not necessarily in a good way. However, this blog is not about the house itself and whether or not it could be considered aesthetically pleasing. It is instead about the basketball hoop that was mounted above the garage of this house.

You see, the people who owned the house had painted the garage to match. On top of that, they had also painted the basketball hoop. The backboard was painted that same dark green color as it perched upon the yellow of the garage wall. I was a little shocked, as I have never seen someone go to that extent to match.

My question is this, Do you believe that painting the basketball hoop to match the house can be considered art? After all, the artist has an intention, and was obviously trying to achieve some sense of aesthetic beauty.

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