Sunday, April 25, 2010

Response to Skyla Seamans: Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Skyla asked, In what ways are mirrors revealers of the truth and is art just a mirror of nature, in your opinion?

Mirrors can reveal things to you that you would not have been able to see before. We would never know what we look like, for instance, without the use of mirrors. Furthermore, you can angle them to show you a new view of something that you had not been able to experience previously. Lastly, something in a mirror's reflection might catch your eye--a little detail you had not noticed yet.

Despite believing that mirrors can reveal the truth, however, I do not view art as a mirror of nature. Yes, a painted landscape resembles what the artist was viewing at the time of painting it, but it does not reflect it exactly. Even if an artist sets out to recreate something they see in nature exactly as they see it in nature, it will be different than that original scene. Every human is a unique person with his or her own individual perspectives, and the artwork that a person creates reflects this. There will be tiny discrepancies and nuances that reflect the artist as a person or their perspective.

While art can certainly be a good representation of a natural scene, it will never reflect it perfectly. Despite this, it can still open up a whole new world for the viewer and give them access to places and things they could not or have not experienced otherwise.

My question in response is: Why do you think artists find it necessary to capture scenes in nature? What is the benefit of recreating a natural scene?

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