Sunday, May 9, 2010

Response to Mary Marcil: Art

My very last blog of my freshman year goes to the fantabulously scrumptulescent Mary Marcil, who asks: Will there be a point in which art ceases to grow?

Since art is created by humans, it will keep changing as long as humans keep changing. With every new historical event, new art forms are created--like when exiled Jewish artists wanted to find a way to portray the horror of the Holocaust. With every new decade, styles and art forms change--like with the creation of pop art. Humans as a species are perpetually developing new ideas, materials, interests, and perspectives. This makes art an ever-fluid and changing thing.

I do not believe humans will ever stop changing and developing. History teaches us otherwise. Even with every old style or fad that makes a come-back in our culture today, there are hundreds of new styles and fads. As a result, art will never stop changing and developing.

So, to answer Mary's question, I think the only point in which art will cease to grow will be when humans cease to populate the earth. Until then, it will not stop growing. I'm glad, though. I think it's a beautiful, wonderful thing. :)

Question in response (even though nobody will answer it because it's the last blog): What time period do you think had the most inspiring visual art?

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